The Ingredients Before...
This has got to be one of the great pickles, sweet, crunchy, mildly mustardy with just the right amount of moisture to set off a hunk of mature Cheddar and some homemade wholemeal bread, or slices of cold roast pork or chicken.
Unlike chutney, piccalilli is relatively quick to make. The ingredients are cheap at this time of year and the glow of the full jars almost lights up the larder. The most difficult bit is waiting three months for the pickle to mature.

...And After...
Actually, the most difficult bit is writing the labels for the jars. I never seem to spell piccalilli the same way twice!
I always follow Delia Smith’s old recipe, from her original Cookery Course book. You can find it here, (it’s the first one given). If you search Delia’s own website you will find a revised version which I haven’t made yet.
Pickle Now, Enjoy Later!!
I must admit I've never been a big fan of picalilli, it has always reminded me of old ladies, although the version you made looks delicious. However, I am a big fan of Branston pickle and would certainly love to have a go at making that if there was a recipe.
I share your love of Branston. I suspect this is made in a similar fashion, i.e. veg cooked first then sauce added later. The distinctive crunch come from "Rutabaga". Very exotic sounding. When I looked it up, it turned out to be the humble swede!
Have never seen a recipe though.
Strange how the posting requirementd for Blogger sites change from post to post... still.... this was one of t he reasons I started using wordpress I suppose.
Anyway... can't eat many pickles now. When I eat them I get acute indigestion. Quite sad really.
Welsh Dog - I know how you feel. Midnight Feasts of cheese and pickled onions!! Oh how the days of our youth speed past.
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