Friday, March 3

How to tell if you are a librarian.

You are a librarian when:

· You hate the stereotype of librarians, but find yourself going “Ssshhhh!” to people. Even in the street.

· You buy yourself a hardback book, you take off the dust jacket and put it somewhere safe until you have read the book.

· You can still remember the first book you ever bought. In fact, you still have it.

· Your workplace has a can of air-freshener for use when smelly “Customers” have visited. And some of your colleagues don’t even wait for the customer to leave before letting rip with the Floral Bouquet.

· You know of at least one person who has been barred from your place of work for peeing on a complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

· You have a pile of books next to your bed which is so high you start using it as a bedside table…..

1 comment:

aidanrad said...

Hmm, I do that with hardback books, and with bedside books. But to the best of my knowledge, I'm not a librarian. Yet. Maybe I'm slowly catching 'librarian'.
Perhaps a third tick would clinch it.
I'll be keeping a concerned watch over the office encyclopaedias...