Thursday, December 20

The Staple Remover Is Unwell

Over the last three weeks the Phantom has been ducking and diving to avoid the cold bug which has floated around my library since the start of December. Of course, as it was my birthday last Saturday, I came down with it on Friday morning.

Like most men, when I get a cold I go down with all the unexpected swiftness of the Hindenburg having a bad landing. I have spent most of this past week with my eyes streaming, my nose running, lungs struggling to pass oxygen through mucus-filled sludge. Get the idea? ILL.

Having set the scene, I bring you, gentle reader, to the marital bedroom.


THE PHANTOM is sitting on the edge of the bed, having woken up, yet again, coughing.

HIS BETTER HALF rouses from the depths of her slumber...

BETTER HALF: You alright?

PHANTOM: Yeah, I just woke up again, I woke myself up coughing...

BETTER HALF: No you didn't...

PHANTOM: Yes, I woke up choking and coughing...


BETTER HALF: No you didn't...

Yes, it had to happen. After twenty years of being married, my wife has got to the point where she can argue with me in her sleep!


Amalee Issa said...

LOL, way to go!

Welsh Dog said...

Hope you recovered in time to sort out the turkey?

I left a comment on my blog but forgot to come back to tell you I'd done it.

Please pass on my love to your (much) better half and also all our best wishes for the coming year!! :D

We have 11 people here this year and the house in in chaos. Well fed chaos it's true... but chaos none the less!

And now... it's time to go pick at the turkey while I decided whether to attempt yet again to knock up the traditional dry curry... that I ruin each year I try it.

Oh what the hell. If I mess it up (again) We can always eat backed beans on toast!! :D