In case you haven't read her comment below, Amalee was facing going "to a barbeque party where the food will be kinda ok and the drinks a bit ropey". She was looking to me for inspiration, and I let her down...
I have been mad busy; happy and healthy, but busy.
There will be more of what I have been up to later, but, with no more ado, to the food.
The hot weather of the last few days has indeed found me re-acquiring the title I earned some years ago from a neighbour - The Man Who Cooks In the Garden. ***
Last Autumn we bought a lovely gas fired barbie. (Not having to wait 45 minutes to get to cooking heat makes a huge difference.)
A few of our recent dishes...

I have developed an all-purpose basic marinade that I can put together in two minutes flat. I shall demonstrate with this handy boned shoulder of lamb I have adjacent to the keyboard...
Get your friendly butcher to bone a shoulder of lamb for you. If you don't have a friendly butcher, find a butcher and smile. It may work. A whole shoulder of lamb will do kebabs for six people easily. I froze half the shoulder for later.
Ingredients for the marinade : two or three tablespoons plain yoghourt, the same of curry paste (Pataks are good), two crushed cloves of garlic, some lemon juice, and some fresh mint.
Chop mint and put in a large bowl with the paste, yoghourt and crushed garlic.
Add meat and marinate for a couple of hours, stirring when you remember to.
Finally skewer up, with onion, peppers courgettes or mushrooms to taste...

The finished kebabs, with red cabbage coleslaw and tomato and basil couscous.
I do hope I have made you all hungry again, even if it is late.
FOOTNOTE *** My wife's nocturnal slug hunting by torchlight led her to be called The Woman Who Gardens At Night. Very sultry and mysterious!
More Soon....
Phantom, you git! I've only just had tea and now I'm drooling (most unattractively, I must say), at your lamb kebobbies. I love lamb. I love barbes. Except that one at the weekend at which I would have starved if I hadn't had a slice of toast and marmite beforehand. Should have made some lamb kebobbies! Stealing your recipe, Phantom!
You are most welcome, as always.
Great to have you back Phantom! We have missed you! Of course now that you have posted your best recipes for the barbie the weather has changed and we are all back in doors.
Has Mrs Phantom any tips for dealing with the slugs the organic way? They have devoured our lupins overnight.
Legal Eagle & Beau
Watch this blog tonight for Mrs Phantom's debut in Gardener's Corner!
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