Ask a busy man...
Over the last few months Angela and I have attended a gardening course and a basic botany course. We have joined the Ramblers Association, and I am currently working with the local group the Hampstead Ramblers, to launch a blog attached to their website.
On top of this, I have started doing a GCSE Mathematics course, tutorials for which are clashing with the
second gardening course we are currently doing.
Last Friday I had a job interview at my college, and on Monday I was told that I had got the job. So from the first of November I can effectively call myself a Librarian. I will be choosing and ordering books, liaising with teaching staff, cataloguing, managing a subject area collection and putting information up on the online Virtual Learning Environment.
Before I start learning how to do all of this, I have just over two weeks to tie up all the loose ends in my old job. So many things to try and pass on....
I would have written this on Monday evening but overnight
a. the power transformer to the wireless router burnt out and
b. the hard drive in my main PC died.
All this is a roundabout way of explaining why things have been quiet around here recently. Let's see if busy people really can do more....